Tag: easy recipe
Guest Post: Restaurant-Inspired Vegan Flatbread

Hummus and flatbread is one of my favorite snacks, and it’s so great that Tabitha at Hugs n’ Health was kind enough to share her yummy recipe for Vegan Flatbread! So I was thinking about hummus, which turned into a… Read moreGuest Post: Restaurant-Inspired Vegan Flatbread
Chocolate Stars Pie Crust Cookies

If you’ve been with me a while, you’ve probably noticed that I like “easy”. Another thing I like is pie crust! For example, we make Easy As Pie Crust cookies pretty regularly. The other thing to know about me is… Read moreChocolate Stars Pie Crust Cookies
Easy Pretzel Brownies with a Salted Caramel Topping

I can definitely say, without a doubt, that I am on Team Salty-Sweet. I am a huge fan of the sweet and salty concoctions like chocolate-dipped bacon, caramel popcorn, chicken and waffles, and this awesome combination…Pretzel Brownies. Then there’s the… Read moreEasy Pretzel Brownies with a Salted Caramel Topping
Happy New Year and Top Blog Posts from 2013

Happy New Year to all my readers, blogging buddies, family and friends! I am so grateful to have you in my life and appreciate all of your support during this inaugural year of my blog. I appreciate you more than… Read moreHappy New Year and Top Blog Posts from 2013
Apple Dijon Pretzel Crusted Pork Chops featuring Musselman’s Apple Butter

What a busy Saturday! DH and I were out all morning teaching a couponing class. When I say we, what I really mean is I taught the class and he was the “lovely assistant.” It was a great, fun group… Read moreApple Dijon Pretzel Crusted Pork Chops featuring Musselman’s Apple Butter
Fresh Fig Preserves

Let me just get this out of the way right here at the beginning…I love figs. I love the taste. I love the color. I love the sentimentality. Unfortunately, most people have only been exposed to figs via the fig… Read moreFresh Fig Preserves