I don’t know about you, but I think Ree Drummond is one of the neatest people ever. (No, not clean neat…cool neat.)
Does anyone say “neat” anymore?
No? Just me?
Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ve declared her “neat”.
I’ve followed The Pioneer Woman for several years on her blog. (Yes, there really was a Pioneer Woman before her explosion on the Food Network.) I love how she loves her family. I love how she loves her unexpected life. I love how she doesn’t sugarcoat everything. There are messes and times they run late and kids who get sick, stuff that gets dirty and things that aren’t perfect. There is grit and stress. It’s a real life.
She’s also feeling that heart thing that happens when your child leaves the nest. My heart thing started several years ago when my daughter left for college, but I still feel it every day. Y’all know what I’m talking about…
Suffice it to say that I feel like I can relate to Ree in a lot of ways, as do so many women across the country. Very few of us live on a ranch, but we relate in Mom World, in Wife World and often just in Woman World.
Ree was in Atlanta on Friday at the Country Living Fair at Stone Mountain Park. She’s recently released a beautiful new cookbook called “Dinnertime” and was visiting to chat about it and sign some books.
This colorful cookbook gem holds yet another example of her neat factor – there’s a “Breakfast for Dinner” chapter. Love that. And, to ramp up the neat thing even more, her sweet husband Ladd was the photographer for the cover shot. Seriously.
So I was in line for the book signing and passed the time chatting with my new friends who were in line with me. Everyone had come from different places, for different reasons. The woman in front of us, Ms. Theresa, had driven up from Celebration, Florida with her husband in an RV. The folks behind us were local, like us, and were restaurant owners. Yet another young lady near us was about three weeks from delivering her first baby, but said only labor would have kept her away.
Like I said, Ree is just super neat. You have to be to attract so many kinds of fans.
Soon, Mrs. Drummond arrived via golf cart to begin the first book signing session. The crowd politely clapped for her, she waved and headed inside. I hesitate to admit this, but I got a little teary when I saw her. What the heck is that about?!?
Answer: She’s neat and we all feel like her friends.
A good hour or so later, we had snaked our way down the hill and around the building. It was finally my turn to meet my friend Ree.
Wait, I’m not ready!
What am I going to say?
I need to put on some lipstick.
I should coach my husband one more time on how to use the iPad camera.
Someone grabbed my books to hand to her, complete with a little yellow sticky note with the correct spelling of my name. Because we might not be to spell or even recall our names when we get there.
Another someone took my phone to ensure that I got a commemorative smart phone photo of my experience.
My husband moved into position with the iPad to take some back-up photos.
OK, deep breath. Relax. It’s Ree. It’ll be fine.
I must have looked bewildered because a final someone took my elbow and guided me to the table where my books were patiently waiting for to me get a grip and catch up.
As I looked up, Ree said hello and I was instantly alright. I felt like I was talking to my best friend. We chatted a little, we took pictures, we laughed at my husband. She was very genuine, fun and cool.
No, not cool…neat.
So after she told my husband how sweet he was and we talked a bit about football (yes, that’s what I do), she handed me my cookbooks, wished me luck with my blog and I was on my way.
The security guard handed me back my phone as I left…I couldn’t wait to see what had been captured on it!
And then it was all over.
The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, was my BFF…for about a minute and a half. And I’m a happy girl with a new cookbook.
Are you a Pioneer Woman fan? If so, be sure to keep an eye on the Nest or sign up for updates. My BFF Ree signed a cookbook for you, too! It’s actually the top one in the picture above. Stay tuned to learn how you can win it!
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend
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The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/s8lP8E7Amv https://t.co/ruxrE7GQRG
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/s8lP8EpbL5
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend #MondayBlogs https://t.co/QgGj8PddIG via @NestFullofNew
I love it! This is fantastic. And also – how perfect does she look? Is this real life? WHAT? You look amazing, too, of course, I am just in awe of her. 😉 You guys are legit besties now.
She really did look amazing with her cool boots and pretty turquoise jewelry. She’s just lovely!
I love this recap! @NestFullofNew meeting @thepioneerwoman | https://t.co/daB84XKyKr | How fun!!
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/qdgGbkFphA via @NestFullofNew
RT @tmycann: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend #MondayBlogs https://t.co/QgGj8PddIG via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/S9WBIlDLaS via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/tXve5X1sKa via @NestFullofNew
Yep, you are as “neat” & sweet as she! You Both could be me BFF’s!
Oh my goodness! That’s so sweet, Sheryl, thank you!
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/qTYFh3C8i0 via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/BISsu6BUdp via @NestFullofNew
The Time the #PioneerWoman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/s8lP8EpbL5
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/QpedNOdND5 via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/tnk799Uwz9 via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/ID55TJGM6y via @NestFullofNew
RT @AskChefDennis: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/ID55TJGM6y via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/KuJDh84kDY via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/ZU5PnxPTHu via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/7BHb36FS2d via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/cIprn9XDLa via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/ZdHVYvYVRw via @NestFullofNew
RT @Kidz_Activities: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/ZdHVYvYVRw via @NestFullofNew
RT @AskChefDennis: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/ID55TJGM6y via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/iV7AKjNSKs via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/q0c6wPIPko via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/7UhlxFcKUq via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/JC5a7N7GYb via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/lii5lk9RJL via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/Wfqc5v5e2n via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/DjZmoCyb27 via @NestFullofNew
RT @OrganizedIsland: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/DjZmoCyb27 via @NestFullofNew
RT @OrganizedIsland: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/DjZmoCyb27 via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/bkaZXqhChY via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/U5CRW1ID2K via @NestFullofNew
RT @OrganizedIsland: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/DjZmoCyb27 via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/51cwDtom3p via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/OjjylLn28A via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/HhlauYWzvi via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/014So3lr0C via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/mIESzcrwcg via @NestFullofNew
RT @MapleMouseMama: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/mIESzcrwcg via @NestFullofNew
RT @MapleMouseMama: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/mIESzcrwcg via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/jTOQ6AVsxh via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/rNxaQiEcjY via @NestFullofNew
RT @Tidbitsofexperi: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/rNxaQiEcjY via @NestFullofNew
RT @Tidbitsofexperi: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/rNxaQiEcjY via @NestFullofNew
RT @Tidbitsofexperi: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/rNxaQiEcjY via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/aweKbMFovI via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/W3cOk0zSxZ via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/y2Sxrafs7A via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/BuLvbUNWLk via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/KJXq0TFPEm via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/FiNSezYDdU via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/rmlZh3GySM via @NestFullofNew
I say neat! And the heart thing? I have it bad, since my daughter left for college for the first time in August.
Thank you! #heartthing is a #momthing! We should have a club or something…
RT @HMaJPD: The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/BuLvbUNWLk via @NestFullofNew
The Time the Pioneer Woman Was My Best Friend https://t.co/anTZcc5G3R via @NestFullofNew
I love her recipes great cookbook too own thanks
I would love to Win this!!! Please pick me Pick me!!!
My favorite dinner she cooks is pulled pork! My kiddos love that
We enjoy shepherd’s pie in our house.
We like grilling.. cheeseburgers.. :0) among so many other things.
That is a very special moment! My family loves her slow cook pot roast and brownies! =)
Love your recipes
I love watching Ree Drummond “The Pioneer Woman”. We love the Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf!
We really love this lady and what she has taught us! SO jealous that you got to meet her:0 My family enjoys cooking meals together like chicken Parmesan.
Our favorite dinnertime recipe varies a lot, but comfort food is always a win. Chicken and dumplings with mashed potatoes, multi-blend mac and cheese, spaghetti and meatballs. Good thing it is practically winter. 🙂
My sister lives and runs a cattle ranch and we have been fans of Ree’s for a long time, too. I love the way you describe your experience!
I forgot to comment with our favorite dinnertime recipe. Our family loves roast pork loin with roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables.
My family loves Pepper Steak over rice for dinner. So good!
One of our favorite meals is fajitas! Yum and I love her books and shows So neat that you got to meet her
That is the COOLEST! My family likes a big pan of Baked Ziti. Meaty, cheesy, but not too heavy and delightful as leftovers!
my family’s favorite dinner is fried chicken or meatloaf
I love her too! She puts out the kind of food my family loves, like meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
Our favourite recipe is meatloaf and mashed potatoes! :o)
My family loves meatloaf with garlic mashed potatoes.
One of my family’s favorite meals is tacos.
I’m so jealous. I was supposed to go to one of her book signings here in Jersey & literally 2 hours before I got a call from our vet that my cat wasn’t doing well. Family first! Anyway, my family’s favorite dinnertime recipe is mac & cheese.
I LOVE great books and am so hoping to #WIN an Autographed Copy of #PioneerWoman Cookbook-Signed by Ree Drummond!
Hi, I am leaving this comment for my mama, she absolutely adores Ree and watches her faithfully! She is 95 and very spry
Our favorite family meal that I love to cook is lasagna, thanks!
Kim Reid