Free Online Classes from Craftsy!

Free Craftsy Class

Try a Free Mini Class at Craftsy

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I never thought I was a quilter or someone who sews. But here is proof that you really can learn something new!  Sewing? Me? Seriously? Now I sew and quilt! Are you looking to take your crafting to the next level, or perhaps branch out and learn a new skill, but aren’t sure where to get started? Try some of Craftsy’s free online classes!

Check out the Craftsy Free Classes, mini classes that allow you to sample everything from food classes (Who couldn’t use Complete Knife Skills with Brendan McDermott?), to quilting (How fun would A New Look at Longarm Quilting with Mandy Leins – FREE! be?), to photography (Seriously, Learn How To Take Professional Family Portraits with Craftsy for FREE! could only help us all.) and more!

Would something like this help you? I love how clearly the online classes explain things.

Just register for your Craftsy account and get started!



49 thoughts on “Free Online Classes from Craftsy!

  1. thanks for share, will have to check these sites out.. I have been wanting to get into quilting

    1. I really appreciate you putting this up for us! I didn’t know Craftsy did cooking classes, too? Cool!

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