I was compensated by Flipp to test this app, but the opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
I’m all about saving money when I shop. I try to be frugal and have a great list of things I don’t pay for anymore. My family does what it can to be sustainable and we even enjoy doing some things the old fashioned way – like canning and gardening. I’m also pretty good at the whole couponing thing.
The reality of all this is that it takes extra time. We don’t mind spending the extra time to hang clothes on the line or make the strawberry jam, but we also try to find other ways to make up for that time. One thing that’s helped a lot is the Flipp app.
Summer is approaching and with that comes the hope of healthy eating – and of course, the hope of saving money while doing so! Eating healthy, following recipes, and sticking to your shopping list – while also saving time and $$$ – can all be attained with a super handy app, Flipp. Flipp is the must-have free digital circular app that helps you save money on the groceries (and other items) that you shop for every day.
Flipp brings the circular to the digital age, aggregating all your favorite stores, based on your zip code, onto one digital device for access anywhere, anytime. With Flipp, you have seamless access to savings of both time and money! Browse, search for specific items or savings amount, and even create shopping lists to start the shopping experience beforehand or in the store.
I started the Flipp Food Challenge by creating a menu for the week and loading my grocery list into the Flipp app. It was very easy and so intuitive that it went really fast!
You can start with the most common items.
Then add the rest. Since I was shopping for Father’s Day this week, I added things like ribeye, cream cheese, baking potatoes, and the regular items like toilet paper, milk and cereal. When you begin typing the item, a box pops up for you to pick from the database.
After I entered each my list, Flipp showed me the sale prices from stores in my area and I tapped to “clip” the one I wanted.
Once I finished, Flipp prepared a master grocery list for me that was organized by store and then food category! What a treat! These super-helpful features help you plan ahead, input your shopping list, and buy the ingredients for specific recipes, without making impulse buys! And, because you can price-match at places like Wal-Mart, you can always get the best deals – and never miss a sale.
With this cool shopping list feature, combined with the app’s enhanced search ability, you can quickly find the best deals for your weekly essentials. Once you’re in the store, you can easily check off items from your list to ensure they pick up everything you need (and also stick to their list!). A recent survey from the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior revealed that “People who said they always used a list when they shopped had a healthier weight, even in neighborhoods where there were a variety of obstacles to eating healthy.”
I went to two stores, picked up all the items from my list and saved almost 26% on my grocery bill by doing it this way. I didn’t use any coupons on this trip, but imagine the savings if I added them on top of what Flipp saved for me!
No more searching through weekly circulars and flyers. The Flipp app keeps them for me digitally, all in one place with automatic updates every time a new circular comes out.
After the Flipp Food Challenge, I was very happy with the way everything was so user-friendly and well-organized. I can’t wait for back-to-school and holiday shopping!
You can connect with Flipp on Facebook and Twitter. The app is available for iOS at the App Store and Android at Google Play.
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