When I was a kid, I was in Campfire Girls. We didn’t have Girl Scouts in South Texas and it didn’t matter. Campfire Girls rocked! We sold candy instead of cookies. I still remember the Blue Bird Wish Song…
Seek beauty, give service and knowledge pursue.
Be trustworthy ever, in all that you do.
Hold fast onto health and your work glorify.
And you will be happy, in the Law of Camp Fire.
It was pretty fun and we did a bunch of cool stuff. I remember we went camping around Halloween one year and made these awesome spiders for dessert. Man, we had spiders everywhere! We decorated mostly with Red Hots and those candy dots that are stuck to a strip of paper. The best part, though, was squishing them before we ate them. Mounds candy bars make amazing bug guts. It didn’t even matter that most of them got dirt on them. We ate them anyway.
Flash forward 25 years to camping with my own daughter as her Girl Scout leader. I thought it would be fun to resurrect the Candy Spiders up at Camp Timber Ridge in Georgia. So the girls made spiders. Glorious, beautiful girly spiders with pink and lavender candy flower spots, glittery sugar and pearly dragees. Dozens of them. I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw these prissy spiders meet the same demise as my no-frills spiders back in the 1970’s. Heads bitten off and guts squished out. Gotta love little girls!
These little darlings make the most adorable table decorations for Halloween parties, not to mention that your kids can make them all for you! It’s a win-win.
Go up in the top of your kitchen cabinet, back of the drawer, top shelf of the pantry, box in the closet…wherever you keep your cookie decorations. Go ahead. Pull them all out. You’re going to need them pretty soon for the holidays anyway. Pick out a few things that look like they’d make good bug decorations. No, there’s no guidance for this. Select according to the age of your kids, your tolerance level for tiny things all over the table, and your inventory. (This is an easy to clean up project if you have a dog like mine that thinks it’s a Hoover vacuum, too.) Here’s what I picked…yes, I went the girly route. Something like these Wilton Sprinkles would be cute. You’ll also need some miniature Mounds bars, miniature pretzels in the traditional shape, and a couple of tablespoons of chocolate chips in a zip top bag.
Start by unwrapping the candy bars and then get busy breaking the sides off of the pretzels. These two edges will create your spider legs.
Break enough pretzels to make six legs for each candy bar. Chef’s treat – eat the pretzel scraps!
Take the pretzel legs and stick each one into the sides of the Mounds bar – three on each side.
After you get a few of these done, it’s time to start decorating!
Put the ziploc bag of chocolate chips in the microwave to melt them. Start with 30 seconds, squish them around, then go in 10-15 second increments until the chips have melted. It doesn’t take long.
Next, snip the tiniest corner off the bag – I mean TINY. Just big enough to get a small drop of melted chocolate out at at time. Even then, it’s good if you still have to squeeze the bag for it to come out. You don’t want it to freely flow out of the corner you snipped. If you overdo it, just switch to the other corner…no big deal.
Now, begin decorating by dabbing on dots of melted chocolate wherever you want to stick your decorations.
Go from spider to spider and dress them all up! It’s as easy as that. Set them out wherever you like to decorate or arrange them on a platter for serving. (Don’t forget to squish them when you eat them!)
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/bnoVMceSc1 http://t.co/N5pnfoU9w0
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/S3oLo3HcKx
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/uVGLGc7JKW via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/hj4tbZWVLA via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/3yJH1ezuQm via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/grSQKpYdvo via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/QnwTu59zbw via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/TUSsEBhXCZ via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/f8mdS7tOiY via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/ROxiE6BwXZ via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/KYdGZLhgpy via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/gqMg5zHvvN via @NestFullofNew
RT @busyathome: Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/KYdGZLhgpy via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/ttdCahidUk via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/4LGY5vHEqM via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/e3BObx1S8C via @NestFullofNew
RT @SongsKateSang: Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/NGp7AtGoNV via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/fEqAQi8KyT via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/4UInE4468s via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/KHEIMljXe8 via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/M2QM7AyMLy via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/mralNLlK6H via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/4F07OI4X5C via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/5FE3VUWZpz via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your #Halloween Party! http://t.co/rjD2K9fkmi via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/HLWZ5rX3u8 via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/PiHoIrk25O via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/Tv0m5P7BXb via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/jG7y8XDtcb via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/DckEDWEbXf via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/mXJSILMhIG via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/iupMUdD9sh via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/28z7IUDRHX via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/9C7wRMpLzf via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/qj5pZYukT9 via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/hBKQUtzEwQ via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/Pgi0sAmUKb via @NestFullofNew
I absolutely love this idea, so cute. A perfect craft for me to do with my grandson, I cant wait to make these!
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/iiqRbJF7rr via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/vF0siEAZN0 via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/KkWbMI5MFT via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/0LKMcdy8Oj via @NestFullofNew
Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/SPp9ia0yJt via @NestFullofNew
RT @FoodStoriesBlog: Candy Spiders That Will March Right Through Your Halloween Party! http://t.co/0LKMcdy8Oj via @NestFullofNew