May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Yes, you have to wear sunscreen.
Yes, you have to look for shade.
Yes, you have to cover up.
Yes, you have to check your skin regularly.
Yes, you can prevent skin cancer.
Yes, it’s that important that you are educated about skin cancer to protect yourself and your family.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I can tell you what to do.  I am a melanoma survivor.  Trust me. It’s scary as hell and it sucks.

51 thoughts on “May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

  1. Oh such an important post! Thank you! So helpful with summer coming! I had no idea that 1/2 of the cancers are skin cancer! I should wear sunscreen more than I do! I always make sure our little one is covered, but something do not do myself. 🙁 Thank you for the awareness and eye opener! I will pledge to wear sunscreen when I go outside this summer!

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